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BluePeak’s value to pharma stems from our extensive knowledge of the health plan, PBM and employer client marketplaces since we deal with them daily. We have in-depth experience with CMS policy and operational issues, and experience with many of the current PDPs and MAPDs. We understand how they think and what decisions will likely be made.  Coupled with our knowledge of the pharmaceutical industry, we can support you in your Medicare and managed care market and reimbursement strategies.

BluePeaks’s consists of former CMS regulators, health plan and PBM operations and compliance experts with cutting edge knowledge and experience in all disciplines.  Our consultants have worked in pharma, PBMs, and health plan/employers for over 30 years and maintain continuous involvement with pharmacy associations and industry groups.

Our services to pharmaceutical companies across all markets include:


  • Strategic Product Planning/Reimbursement Strategies
  • Formulary Management Strategies
  • Pull-through Strategies
  • Client Strategies and Issues Support
  • Contracting Strategies and Support


  • Advisory Board Development, Moderation and Participation
  • Interim Staffing

Other Medicare Services

  • Policy Analysis Affecting Formulary and Other Business Decisions
  • CMS Advocacy and Planning
  • HPMS Memos Service
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