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Pharmaceutical Manufacturers – Other Medicare Services Details

  • Policy Analysis Affecting Formulary and Other Business Decisions: BluePeak analyzes the legislative environment on a daily basis and is aware of the critical legislative issues that are happening in Medicare and other managed care related areas.  We can track and trend these issues in order to inform your teams on potential business issues affecting your products.
  • CMS Advocacy and Planning: Pharma companies often want to take issues to CMS that are related to their products, but is it the right time?  The right issue?  Are you seeing the right people who have impact on your decisions?  Should you use your political capital on a particular issue?  BluePeak can answer these questions and offer advice in this critical area.
  • HPMS Memos Service: With CMS releasing guidance almost daily, it is difficult to keep up. BluePeak provides summaries of all memos, with analysis, and can target issues specific to your company, saving you time and money sorting through all the data. This service is complimentary for our retainer clients.

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